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Traffic Marshalling at The Duxford Air Show 26th - 27th May 2018.

We started off with an early start as usual as we needed to be at Duxford early in the morning. Then we we're briefed about all the RADIO Communications and Call signs. This then lead to us learning the sites of the airfield as the day ahead would be busy.

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After the briefing we were all separated into our sections to cover different parts of the car parks, this is surprisingly interesting for me as I was put in a group with no NCOs and with another squadron. I found this to be good as I made friends with other cadets. Cdt Powell and Cdt Hayden were also doing the car marshalling in the Delta section in charge of the staff car parking at the beginning.

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Throughout the day we had a rotation of breaks and different car parks to marshal this allowed for every cadet to get a different experience every 3 hours. Hydration was also a key point of the day as I had to help other cadets find water. After 8 hours and a bit we were then called in for the end of the day brief and the chance to use our free air show tickets.

As the evening progressed Cdt Powell and Cdt Hayden left for the evening and I was left to camp over night at Sawston squadron. Before we were sent to lights out we were given a chance to watch a movie which was “The Greatest Showman”. The night was a storming one and there was thunder and lightning which made the night quite interesting.

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The bright new morning rose from the horizon and awoke us for our day ahead as we were trying to become more punctual for Duxford in the morning. As we were getting briefed I was happily greeted by some familiar faces of FS Cosby, Cdt Hayden , Cdt Traherne and Cdt Holland. This was a good as we needed more cadets to fill in for Haverhill squadron going to a parade.

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As the day went on the sun's rays got stronger and stronger and called for more processions for getting water and making sure people had sun cream. This was carried out by me and FS Cosby in our section.

As the Air show was starting we left our posts and went back to camp to pack away the 12 by 12 tents before people were allowed to go to the air show again. This resulted in a nice relaxing ending to this lovely greens camping weekend.

Cdt Lindsay

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